
Prices can be found below

Fishery opens at 8am - closing times will vary each day

Day ticket prices - £10

Late afternoon sessions on Tuesdays (3pm to 8pm) - cancelled until further notice from 23 August 2021

OAPs Concession Day - Mondays £7 (effective as of 4th April 2022)

Under 14's - £7 per day (must be supervised by an adult at all times)

Match bookings available

January 2023 the cost to book at match on Jack's £180 (up to 20 pegs then £10 per person thereafter) 
Sam’s lake is £160 (18 pegs).

We are fully booked for this year now.

Opening Times

Arrival time from 8am - 10am, no access after these times unless special arrangements are made.  Closing time varies.

EMAIL: info(at)

TEL: 07384 447700


Twin Lakes Fishery
The Great Spur, Biddenham
MK40 4WG